Locus in Bibliotheca
Authorum Nomina
Librorum Titulus
Editionum Tempora et Loca
10 M 11
La perfection de l'âme religieuse. Perhaps one of the many 17th cent. eds of François de Beauviller 'Exercice religieux utile et profitable à toute âme religieuse qui désire d'avancer à la perfection'.
n.p. n.d.
10 M 13
Regle de perfection. 12mo. ARCR I, 449
Paris 1627
10 M 14
Regle de perfection. Not traced. There are a number of 17th-century and modern eds of this work.
Paris 1666
10 M 15-16
Charles Scribani
Medicus religiosus de animorum morbis et curationibus. 12mo. Two copies.
Lyon 1619
10 M 17
Charles Scribani
Superior religiosus. De prudenti ac religiosa gubernatione. 12mo.  
Lyon 1620
10 M 18
Antonio de Guevara
L'oratoire des religieux et l'exercice des vertueux. Traduit d'italien en françois par N. Dany. 12mo.  
Rouen 1601
10 M 19
Diego Alvarez_de_Paz
De quotidiana virtutum exercitatione, sive de vita religiose instituenda libellus. 12mo.  
Douai 1613
10 M 20
François Arnoulx
Le sacré flambeau, contenant la merveille des merveilles de Dieu. 12mo.  
Lyon 1621
10 M 21
Jean-Baptiste Velato
Introduction à la vie spirituelle et perfection chrestienne pour chacun estat en particulier. Tr. Jean-Paul Le Jau. 12mo.  
Rouen 1615
10 M 22
Franciscus Costerus
Les institutions chrétiennes et catholiques dressées pour l'usage de la confrérie de la très-heureuse Vierge Marie. Not traced. Rouen eds of 1607 and 1629 have been found.
Rouen 1617
10 M 23
Jude Serclier
L'espouse céleste, contenant l'origine & excellence de l'âme. 12mo.  
Rouen 1610
10 M 24
Petrus Blommevenna
Enchiridion sacerdotum. 8vo.  
Cologne 1532
10 M 25
Jacques Ferraige
Meditations sur les festes principales de l'année. 12mo. Paris 1629 is the only ed. found.
n.p. n.d.
10 M 26
Tilmann Bredenbach
Insinuationum divinae pietatis libri V. 12mo.  
Cologne 1588
10 M 27
François Veron
Manuale sodalitatis Beatae Mariae Virginis in domibus et gymnasiis Societatis Jesu. 12mo. Anon. Found in Auguste Carayon, 'Bibliographie Historique de la Compagnie de Jésus', Paris 1864.
La Flèche 1615
10 M 27.2
Bartolomeo Corsetti
Novissima ac compendiosa praxis sacrorum rituum ac caeremoniarum quae in missis solemnibus aliisque ecclesiasticis functionibus servari solent. 12mo. Anon.
Brussels 1656
10 M 28
Garcia Jiménez de Cisneros
Exercices spirituels. Not traced. A latin Douai 1615 ed. has been found. De Cisneros was a Benedictine monk, and abbot of Notre Dame de Monserrat.
Paris 1614
10 M 29-32
Garcia Jiménez de Cisneros
Exercices spirituels. 12mo. 2 vols. Two sets.
Paris 1655
10 M 32.2
William Darrell
Moral reflections on the epistles and gospels of every Sunday, throughout the whole year. Divided into four parts. 12mo. BKS 862. Anon. Under 'The author of the Gentleman instructed' in Weldon.
London 1711
10 M 32.3
William Darrell
Moral reflections on the epistles and gospels of every Sunday, throughout the whole year. The second part. 12mo. 2nd ed. BKS 865. Anon. Under 'The author of the Gentleman instructed' in Weldon.
London 1733
10 M 32.4
William Darrell
Moral reflections on the epistles and gospels of every Sunday, throughout the whole year. The third part. 12mo. 2nd ed. Anon. Under 'The author of the Gentleman instructed' in Weldon. Weldon gives 1733 as the date for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th parts. BKS has 1732 for parts 3 and 4 (BKS 863 and 864).
London 1733
10 M 32.5
William Darrell
Moral reflections on the epistles and gospels of every Sunday, throughout the whole year. The fourth part. 12mo. 2nd ed. Anon. Under 'The author of the Gentleman instructed' in Weldon. Weldon gives 1733 as the date for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th parts. BKS has 1732 for parts 3 and 4 (BKS 863 and 864).
London 1733
10 M 33
John Cross
Philothea's pilgrimage to perfection. Described in a practice of ten days solitude. 8vo. Clancy 682. Under John of the Cross in Weldon. Wing (C 7250A) gives the author as John Cross, alias More. Clancy identifies the author as John Moore, Brother of the Holy Cross in Bruges.
Bruges 1668
10 M 34-34.3
Thomas à Kempis
Imitatio Christi avec exercices spirituels tirez de la règle de Saint Benoist. 8vo. Three copies. Under Joan Gersen in Weldon. A composite vol. of ‘De imitatione’, ‘Exercices' (Paris 1712) and ‘Regula' (Paris 1713). One copy at Douai Abbey (title-page missing).
Paris 1712
10 M 35
James Dymock
The great sacrifice of the new law expounded by the figures of the old. 12mo. Clancy 334. Anon.
n.p. 1676
10 M 35.2
Francis de Sales
An introduction to a devout life. 12mo. Clancy 391
London 1686
10 M 36
Alfonso Rodriguez
A treatise of mentall prayer. With another of the presence of God. 8vo. ARCR II, 542. In ARCR under Sir Tobie Matthew, the translator. ARCR suggests St. Omer as place of publication.
n.p. 1627
10 M 37-39
Gertrude More
The holy practises of a devine lover or the sainctly ideots devotions. 12mo. Clancy 685. Three copies. Anon. Edited by Augustine Baker.
Paris 1657
10 M 40
Alfonso Rodriguez
The two first treatises of the first part of christian perfection. 8vo. ARCR II, 544. In ARCR under Sir Tobie Matthew, the translator. ARCR gives St. Omer as the place of publication.
n.p. 1631
10 M 41
Jean-Pierre Camus
A draught of eternie. Written in French. Tr. by Miles Car. 12mo. ARCR II, 644. In ARCR under Miles Pinckney, whose alias was Miles Car(re).
Douai 1632
10 M 42
Francisco Arias
The iudge wherein is shewed, how Christ our Lord is to iudge the world at the last day. 8vo. Anon. In ARCR II, 531, under Sir Tobie Matthew, the translator. ARCR suggests St. Omer as place of publication.
n.p. 1621
10 M 42.2
Thomas Elyot
The book named the gouvernour. 8vo. There are eight eds between 1531 and 1580. Cf. STC 7635-7642.
n.p. n.d.
10 M 43
Matthew Kellison
A devout paraphrase of the 50th psalm. 8vo. Wing K 239A. Clancy 566 is a Paris 1655 ed.
London 1655
10 M 44
The contemplations of the idiot concerning death. Not traced.
n.p. 1668
10 M 44.2-44.10
Pierre Nicole
Essais de morale, contenus en divers traitez sur plusieurs devoirs importans. 12mo. 9 vols. The first volume of this popular work by the Jansenist Pierre Nicole was
published in 1671, and was followed at irregular intervals by others; altogether the series numbers fourteen volumes. Weldon has nine volumes (and adds that the third volume is wanting) in date ranging from 1678 to 1715, mainly from the fifth edition. The places of publication are Paris and The Hague. The entry is not very clear so it is not possible to give separate data for the individual volumes.
Paris-The Hague 1678-1715
10 M 45
Robert Persons
The first booke of the christian exercise, appertayning to resolution. 12mo. ARCR II, 617. Anon.
Rouen 1584
10 M 46
Luca Pinelli
The mirrour of religious perfection. Tr. Thomas Everard. 8vo. ARCR II, 258
n.p. 1618
10 M 47
Miles Pinckney
A proper looking glasse for the daughters of Sion or St. Augustines life abbridged. 12mo. Clancy 776 or 777. In Weldon under Thomas Carre, the alias of Miles Pinckney.
Paris 1665
10 M 48
Thomas à Kempis
His sermons of the incarnation and passion of Christ. Tr. Thomas Carre, i.e. Miles Pinckney. 12mo. Clancy 957
Paris 1653
10 M 49
A spiritual exercise according to the custome of Windesem. An. 1400. 12mo. Clancy 778. Anon. Clancy gives Thomas Carre (Miles Pinckney) as the translator. Wing has 1657 and files the work under the title.
Paris 1658
10 M 50-51
Edward Manning
Ashrea: or, the grove of beatitudes, represented in emblemes. 12mo. Wing M 482. Two copies. Anon.
London 1665
10 M 52
Edward Worsley
A brief explication of the Office of the blessed Virgin Marie mother of God. 8vo. Clancy 148.5. Under E.W. [ i.e. Edward Worsley] in Weldon. Edward Worsley was the alias of John Byfleet OSB.
Douai 1652
10 M 53
Luca Pinelli
The mirrour of religious perfection. Tr. Thomas Everard. 8vo. ARCR II, 258
n.p. 1618
10 M 53.2
A manual of prayers.  
n.p. n.d.
10 M 54
Sabine Chambers
The garden of our B. Lady. Or a devout manner, how to serve her in her rosary. 8vo. ARCR II, 131. Under S.C. in Weldon and on title-page. ARCR suggests St. Omer as the place of publication.
n.p. 1619
10 M 55-57
John Fisher
A treatise of prayer, and of the fruits and manner of prayer. 12mo. ARCR II, 274. Three copies.
Paris 1640
10 M 58-62
Richard Smith
The treatise of the best kinde of confessors. 12mo. Clancy 916. Five copies. Clancy: ‘the best confessors were canonical pastors’.
n.p. 1651
10 M 63-64
Richard Mason
The rule of pennance of ... S. Francis. The first part ... [the second part]. 12mo. 2 vols. Clancy 653-654. In Weldon under Angelus Francis, the name in religion of Richard Mason. Weldon has the title 'A declaration of the 3rd rule of St. Francis'. This is in fact the engraved title-page.
Douai 1644
10 M 65
A dialogue of dying wel. First written in the Italian tongue by the reverend father Don Peeter of Luca. 8vo. ARCR II, 768. Anon. The book was originally written in Italian by Pietro da Lucca, translated into French and then into English by Richard Verstegan.
Antwerp 1603
10 M 66
Anthony Batt
A hive of sacred honie-combes containing most sweet and heavenly counsel: taken out of the workes of the mellifluous Doctor S. Bernard. 8vo. ARCR II, 47. ARCR gives Douai 1631.
n.p. n.d.
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