Locus in Bibliotheca
Authorum Nomina
Librorum Titulus
Editionum Tempora et Loca
1 W 49
Philip Ronayne
A treatise of algebra in two books. 8vo. 2nd ed.  
London 1727
1 W 50
Jacques Ozanam
La trigonométrie rectiligne et sphérique. 8vo.  
Paris 1741
1 W 51
Galileo Galilei
Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche. 4to. When Galilei was under house-arrest at the end of his life he succeeded in smuggling the manuscript of the 'Discorsi' to the Netherlands, where the Elsevier firm published the book in 1638.
Leiden 1638
1 W 52
George Fisher
Arithmetick in the plainest and most concise methods. 12mo. 6th ed.  
London 1744
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