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Schools and more

Douai Abbey: The Monastery of St Edmund, King & Martyr
Wednesday 02 Aug 2023
NB The guesthouse is closed for the month of August.

» The Concerts page has been updated.

» Recently we welcomed pupils from Portsmouth Abbey School, the English Benedictine monastery in Rhode Island. Portsmouth Abbey (its church pictured below) is one of three English Benedictine monasteries in the USA, the others being St Anselm's in Washington DC, and St Louis in St Louis, Missouri. The pupils were accompanied by Fr Augustine Wetta OSB of St Louis and Fr Edward Mazuski OSB of Portsmouth. By coincidence Abbot Gregory Mohrman of St Louis was also with us that weekend. Fr Oliver, the guestmaster, was able to repay the hospitality which he received in June when the English Benedictine bursars had met at Portsmouth Abbey.

» In the past few months we have welcomed other groups including the Theology Summer School for young adults organised by the Dominican friars, and a conference on 'Adventurous Accompaniment' organised by Million Minutes, an initiative supporting the Church's apostolate to youth.

» After their earlier visit in May, the young soldiers from the School of Military Engineering returned to complete the project they started in May: straightening the grave crosses in the monks' cemetery, for which the community is most grateful.

» At the beginning of July Douai hosted the Summer Gathering of the Catholic Union of Great Britain.

- in the abbey church -
0620 - Matins & Lauds (English)
0745 - Weekday Conventual Mass
[1030 - Sunday Conventual Mass]
1250 - Midday Office (English)
1800 - Vespers (Latin, Gregorian Chant)
2000 - Compline* (English)
*No public Compline on Sundays
Douai Abbey
Upper Woolhampton
Reading, Berkshire
RG7 5TQ, United Kingdom

Visitor Enquiries: 0118 9715 399
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