New Year Goes Viral
Monday 10 Jan 2022 · 1:15
» The abbot and community of Douai Abbey would like to wish our confraters, oblates, Old Dowegians and friends a blessed and joyful new year.
» Unfortunately, over Christmas Covid came to Douai. Five monks in total tested positive over the days from Christmas up to New Year's Eve. These brethren self-isolated immediately after the first positive test. However, such is the nature of a community that the monastery itself had to be in some measure locked down, with masks worn in communcal areas and social distancing in choir and refectory. This led to the hasty transfer to a London venue of our new year's eve concert by the Rodolfus Choir. Our communication of these developments was hampered by the fact that Fr Hugh had come down from Scarisbrick for a few days rest on Boxing Day, only to be caught up in the emerging outbreak; but his access to the website remained at Scarisbrick. He returned to Scarisbrick on Epiphany after the final of his required daily tests continued negative.
» Please check the parish website for developments about Mass times and access. For the immediate future please avoid coming to the monastery. Please check here for updates.