A Jubilee!
Sunday 11 Apr 2021 · 1:00
Easter week is normally a quiet affair at the monastery, even in non-Covid times. But this year it was further dignified by the celebration of Fr Gervase's diamond jubilee of priestly ordination on 9 April. Fr Gervase has held diverse offices and roles in the community, not least among them parish of Woolhampton, editor of The Douai Magazine and oblate master, in which role he continues to this day. He studied at Louvain (as then was) in Belgium and had a sabbatical in the United States in the 1990s. Fr Gervase remains a model of monastic observance. The community held a festal meal in honour of his jubilee, followed by a festal cake from Sarah, accompanied by coffee and some festal nectar. Ad multos annos!